Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Book of Besiktas helping children with Leukemia

Are you looking to do a good deed for this Christmas? Help out with your donation to support our fundraiser for children with leukemia. Click on the link a donate, every little bit helps. 
Have a blessed holiday and help so all those kids will too.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Eagle Abroad & Besiktas

My baby & hubby in the Turkish news paper. He wrote the book about Besiktas soccer shirts.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Help children with cancer

Got this card from St. Jude Children Hospital. Her name is Carly and she is 4 years old. As she battleling cancer it's up to us also if we decide to help out. There are many sick children out there who needs us. St. Jude hospital needs donations to continiue to help and save many lives. It brakes my heart to see such inoccent little children to have such deadly sickness. My family is a supporter and tries to donate when ever we can to St. Jude. My husband has an ongoing project that will donate all money from the sales to St. Jude and an another hospital like this in Turkey where his from. I put up a link to his project on a soccer (football) book he wrote. If you can please help out no matter how small is your donation. We will proudly keep supporting St. Jude to help out children. Thank you, and God bless all our children. United we stand and fight agains cancer.
The link you can click on to go to the project: http://igg.me/at/BesiktasShirts

Thursday, April 11, 2013


 A 2-time survivor of Hodgkin Lymphoma
Read about her story on her fundraiser page.
Donate to help a cause that takes many lives 'till today.
God bless her & her beautiful family. 
You can go to her fundraiser page by clicking on the picture in the right hand side bar.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Shop To Give Back

 Hello everyone,
We've been participating the March for babies fundraiser for the last 2 years now. We did the walk once in Philadelphia and once in New York. We meet many new people on these events who helps out with the fundraisers. Go to there website and find out more about it and how you can participate. We also created a section in our website- Shop to give back- so you can buy your favorite item and we will donate 10% of every sale to March for Babies and St. Jude Children's Hospital. We been donating to both organization to help out, but we need your help to do more. Just imagine how great it feels to help out little new borns or unfortunate kids who's battling Cancer. We also made the links on the right hand-site of this blog to March for Babies and St. Jude Children's Hospital so you can click on them and go straight to there website to donate. Children are our future don't hesitate to help them.  

Monday, January 28, 2013

Shop to give back on our website

Happy to introduce you the new section in our store. Every sale donates 10% to March for Babies.org & St. Jude Children's Hospital
Because giving is the best.